Women’s Retreat 2025


Registration Open Now

Friday, May 2 - 7:00-8:30pm

Saturday, May 3 - 9:00am-3:00pm

Take time away from your routines to be refreshed by music, laughter, God’s Word, creativity, prayer, time together, time alone, time for God’s work of restoration.

Begin with us on Friday as we worship and learn about being restored by God. We will gather in the main sanctuary at Westminster Presbyterian Church

Continue time for God and new and old friends on Saturday. Join us for faith encouragement and renewal. Learn God’s desire for you to live restored with Him and others. We’ll begin by gathering on the patio for coffee and snacks.

Registration includes all programs; solid Bible teaching, faith building activities, creative outlets, continental breakfast and lunch Saturday.

Email womensmin@wpcesco.com with any questions.

How to Register.

Step 1: Fill out the registration form below.

Step 2: Click “Digital checkout” to proceed to payment.

Meet the team

Coleen Olmsted – Retreat Speaker

Coleen Olmsted is a Jesus follower who enjoys growing to better understand the God who made and saved her. She is an educator, Pastor’s wife, mom to two sons and a daughter-in -law, and a Nana to a precious grandson. She has worked in education and ministry all her adult life, leading countless Bible studies for women, youth groups, or couples’ groups with her husband, Mike. Currently working part-time for a medical office in Austin, Minnesota, Coleen and her husband continually lay their plans before Jesus in prayer, trusting God’s power to direct their paths. She loves spending time with her family, gardening, and looking for opportunities to encourage women of all ages in their faith. Coleen’s inspirational faith has been deepened over years of walking honestly with Jesus through losses and joys. Her approachability, humor, and warmth come from knowing who she is in Christ. I see her most like Jesus in her vulnerability with others who are hurting.

Cori Geving - Retreat Director

Cori Geving is a Jesus follower who enjoys learning about spiritual growth for believers. She is grateful for her husband of 34 years, Randy, and their three daughters and son-in -law. Cori is a cancer survivor who is constantly amazed at the ways Jesus teaches her through life’s trials!  Working in ministry most of her adult life, she has written curriculum and devotional materials, planned special worship times, participated in MomCo Leadership, and coordinated Bible Studies. Currently working part-time to lead Spiritual Life Ministries at Westminster Presbyterian Church, Cori loves creating opportunities for people to encounter Jesus.  She is optimistic about God’s power and His work to bring His Kingdom around the world. I see her most like Jesus when she shows her faith in a good and strong God by sharing wisdom from God’s Word or by praying with and for others.


“The Women’s Retreat was a joy that I needed - a break from a too often chaotic pace of life! I loved the dedicated time to be with other women worshipping Jesus, growing and sharing faith, and just getting to know each other. This was such a meaningful way to spend my time. Can’t wait for another one.

- Elizabeth

“Loved the previous retreat! It was a great time to connect, meet new people and worship with other women!   If you need a break from your kids and need to be revived and rejuvenated, then this retreat is for you!”

- Liz